Midcentury Nifties:
A Celebration of Minimalist Aesthetics
Midcentury Nifties is inspired by the minimalist aesthetic of the Midcentury Modern art movement. This collection celebrates simplicity through clean shapes and playful motifs and will be on display at the Insomnia Coffee Co.-Baseline in Hillsboro, Oregon in July 2024.
Artist's statement
As an artist, I use abstract symbolism and organic shapes inspired by nature, as well as human and animal forms, to explore philosophical concepts and the human condition, including emotions, sensuality, and the meaning of life.
About the Artist
Yune Wild is a self-taught German-Chinese artist living in Portland, Oregon. Prior to transitioning to art, she worked for a decade in biomedical research, holding a Ph.D. in Immunology from the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Germany.

For more info, visit yunewild.com